Thibodaux Renwalt, called Tibby by his friends was just your typical Earthman. Recently discharged from his service in the United Stated Navy and working as an engineer for the city of New Orleans, maintaining the pumps that kept the city dry. Tibby decides to spend some time at fishing hole in the swamp shown to him by his grandfather, his trip turns out to be ...
The last thing Gemma Pope expects to study in the after-school book club is demon etiquette but that is exactly what she has to do to succeed as a summoner and save her hometown.
AJ Salem's debut novel is a page-turning adventure that will catapult you into the world of the paranormal. Are you ready to peak behind the veil and discover what lies beneath the...
Abdul Mossad survived his forced exit from the United States after spending years of his life successfully executing his personal jihad against the American economy. Having been scorned then rejected by his countrymen, he executes a daring escape ending up in Switzerland. Now as Mikaeel Saeed, he meets Roger Landon, a man obsessed with his own revenge for the loss of his wife and only child...
Amy Lake lived a normal life until the untimely death of Trevor. (Her husband of nine years) She was dealing with the sudden lost when a man from her past came into her life and things began to take a turn for the worst. Lies and deceptions about her deceased husband surfaced as she tried to make a new life.
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Stephen King returns to the character and territory of one of his most popular novels ever, The Shining, in this instantly riveting novel about the now middle-aged Dan Torrance and the very special twelve-year-old girl he must save from a tribe of murderous paranormals.
On highways across America, a tribe of people called the True Knot travel in search of sustenance. They look harmless—mostly old, lots of polyester, and married to their RVs. But as Dan Torrance knows, and ...
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Three of the angels who died when Lucifer attacked Heaven, were reincarnated as half-mortal angel-bloods on the Winter Solstice – Aura, nearly seventeen years ago, followed twelve years later, by Bren and Tracy.
Aura and Tracy have no recollection of their former lives, and even though Bren’s past was supposed to be erased too, something happened to the guardian when she was reborn. Not only did she retain her memory and angelic powers, but she was given the rare gift of second sight, which some angels consider even more deadly than angel-fire, the weapon used to cast Lucifer into Hell.
Bren isn’t sure if this new power is a blessing or a curse, but being shown the future, even small portions of it, might help her stay one step ahead of Lucifer, and his son Mortriel, who are intent on destroying the children of the archangels and starting a second war with Heaven.
The Amazon Kindle ebooks featured in this newsletter were free at the time of publication. Please note that ebook pricing can change rapidly and one or more may not be available for free at a later time.
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