Easily Get Clients By Giving This Away

As a consultant you know that finding clients is a tough job. And converting them into paying gigs can be even tougher.

Well I've got great news for you. My good friend and fellow offline consultant Drew Laughlin just released the 2015 version of his "Top Online Directories" PowerPoint presentation and optional Marketing Kit.

This is an 80-slide presentation that shows, step-by-step, how to get listed in the top 15 online directories. Why is this important? Because Drew and many of his customers have used this presentation to get clients – by giving it away!

You see, it's easy to convince local businesses on why they should be in the online directories. And when you give them – or show them – this presentation most of the time they realize that there's no way they have time to do it themselves. In turn, they ask you to do it for them!

That's all I'm going to say for now. Take 5-minutes and check it out for yourself. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Best regards,
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Easily Get Clients By Giving This Away