[Zamurai Affiliates] 1600+ sales, 30% and $36 EPC! (leaderboard)


Hey Zamurai Affiliate, 

WOW! What a crazy first 10 hours it's been. 

We are over 1600 sales now with conversions
holding HOT and steady - EVEN with the price

30.52% conversion rate and a killer $36.41 EPC! 

If you haven't jumped in yet, this offer has 
plenty of legs on it and PERFECT for a weekend
promo since we'll be closing Sunday at midnight. 

Use this live swipe and modify as you'd like

And now for the first leaderboard! 

Who will win the $10k???

1. Chad Nicely and Karthik Ramani - took off running
from the start but Craig is gaining quickly! 

2. Craig Crawford and Robert Phillips - you and the guys
above literally have almost identical conversions! A few
more mailings and you'll easily pass them. 

They have an awesome theme coming out on the 27th! 
Make sure you check it out! 

3. Andrew Darius - I know you're planning a strong 
campaign. Just half of a mailing will put you at #2! 
You have no idea how close you are. 

4. Mark Bishop - Less than 5 sales puts you in 3rd and
less than 20 for 2nd! You're right there, but don't get comfortable
you're tied with Han below you, but you're total $ count is higher. 

5. Han Fan - 62% conversion rate on the FE???
Really? One you my man! You're tied with Mark but
down in terms of $ generated. 

6. Joey Xoto - The video man himself! Appreciate the support
man. Make sure you check out his launch on the 24th! 

7. Walt Bayliss - The HydraVid King! I know you got BIG
plans to over take the guys above. You have no idea
how close this all is. less than 20 sales will catapult you

8. Mike From Maine - There is no leaderboard without 
you boss! KILLER 27% conversion rate! 

9. Radu Hahaianu - My friend and partner! Good to see 
you out here. We've got big things planned for March 3rd :) 

10. Neil Napier - AWESOME Live webinar we just had. 
That alone is definitely going to send you shooting towards
the top. 

just outside the top 10 by a hair: Ray Lane, MAO Flynn, 
Stephen Fowler, Kristie Chiles, Andrew Stoelinga, Lee Cole, 
Edwin Boiten, George Kastoudas, Carey Baird, and many more

Keep on pushing guys! This thing is converting and will be 
converting ALL weekend long! 

We've got some awesome prizes on deck as well as 
some great case study swipes coming to you tomorrow.

For now, make sure you hit up your unopens and gain
some ground over the guys above you on the LB! 

We appreciate your support, 

Joshua, Aravindh, Andrew 
Zamurai Mastermind Group, 10441 SW 100TH CT, MIAMI, FL 33186, USA

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[Zamurai Affiliates] 1600+ sales, 30% and $36 EPC! (leaderboard)