Dian, New "Affiliate Management" Offer [JV]



Do you have an info product focused list?

Ever sold or bought a product on ClickBank before?

If so, you might have heard of Dush Ramachandran.

He was VP of sales at ClickBank for 6 years...

And in his time there, he was always surprised how some products got affiliates and sales...

While others didn't have any success at all...

In the 4 years since leaving CB, Dush has built an affiliate management business.

He's worked with some of the top Internet marketers...

And he's really naled what attracts affiliates and creates winning offers.

He's now putting all of this information into a new course:

"Affiliate Attraction Formula"

Click here to sign up as an affiliate or JV

While it's invite only, anyone can apply...


T-Shirt Titan JV

P.S. If you have an info product focused list, sign up here.

There's no "JV Page" as such. So, if you have any questions, you can hit up Dush here.

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Dian, New "Affiliate Management" Offer [JV]