Dian, Video Titan - Now Launching TUESDAY



I have a few important announcements today.

Firstly, we are pushing the launch back by 24 hours, which means...

Video Titan launches Tuesday 14th July

There are a few reasons, but mainly we want to get everything PERFECT.

We've dropped $20k on software development, put up $10k in prize money...

And want to make sure you ALL bank five-figure Paypal commissions...

So it made sense to push back an extra 24 hours - to polish the video diamond.

Now onto the 2nd piece of news... we now have a preview of the sales letter! YES!

Video Titan - Sales Letter Preview

It's by no means finished, but this should give you an idea of where we're headed.

There's a lot of cool stuff we haven't added to this version

(I'd say half the page will be replaced with more "dynamic" elements, although I can't see much more until Monday...)

But it should at least give you a rough backbone for your promos.

OK, and finally, we now have a demo of the 1 Click Video.

You can check this out here...

1 Click Video Creator - Demo

It's the FASTEST way to create videos that actually CONVERT.

For: video sales letters, local businesses, viral Facebook ads, Youtube PPC Trailer videos, etc.

And it's just one of FOUR video software tools we'll be including in the Video Titan front-end.

OK, enjoy the weekend. I'll be in touch Monday...


Video Titan

memeplex ltd
pal mall court, 61-67 king street
manchester lancs m2 4pd

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Dian, Video Titan - Now Launching TUESDAY