Dian, Video Titan - Prelaunch Open [$400k on the table]



Video Titan has just opened for pre-launch.

If you have a TeeSpring, Facebook or Video list, you need to get on this:

Click Here - For Affiliate Links & Prelaunch Email

REMEMBER: Video Titan launches on Monday at 12PM Eastern.

Sales letter preview, plus demo of "1 Click Video" creator software are coming very soon!

But today is all about "prelaunch" and here's why...

Blasting prelaunch is the only way to cookie the T-Shirt Titan customers (who we are already prelaunching).

So if you don't hit the prelaunch, they may have already bought by the time you blast.

And with 4,000+ Titan customers and maximum earnings of $150+ across the funnel....

That means affiliates who don't do prelaunch are leaving six figure commissions on the table.

If you're like most JVs, chances are you won't be hitting anything over the weekend...

So why not give your list some value & get passive JVZoo commissions?

NOTE: We don't blast our customer list before launch, and we only blast AT launch (same time as everyone else) with a NAKED link. That way you, our affiliates, make maximum commissions, even from our own customers. But it does mean prelaunch is worth doing more so than other launches - because you have the chance of converting 4,000 "fish in a barrel" type sales from our ultra happy, loyal Titan customers. And if you don't blast, they will likely buy from our naked link, or whichever affiliate cookied the person, the second we go live. We take a "long-term" outlook with our affiliates, just like our customers.

OK, now there are 2 prelaunch videos between now and the launch on Monday.

The first video (today) gives them a training video on Facebook video ads...

I highly recommend you hit prelaunch at least once between now and Monday:

Grab your affiliate links & first prelaunch email here, then hit send today.

Otherwise, you're just leaving money on the table.

With 60% commissions & $10,000 in JV cash, this is going to be a beast.


Video Titan

P.S. Coming soon - the sales letter preview, another video demo, prelaunch video #2 and more...

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Dian, Video Titan - Prelaunch Open [$400k on the table]