Follow & Copy His 60K in 30 Days Challenge...


Still struggling to see how to build a successful business...

How would you like to see how one of the most successful WSO sellers does it...

...and be able to copy Sean, as he challenges himself to make $60,0000 with just WSOs... within the next 30 days?

You'll get to see inside his sales... inside his funnels... and see:

  • every sales page he uses
  • every upsell page
  • his pricing...

...along with ALL his stats... his revenue, how much affiliates bring in, how much he pays out...

...And you can follow along and see how to launch your own highly successful WSOs...

"...Sean is a brilliant marketer... and to get a ring side seat and watch how he pulls in $60K in just 30 days -- to see his actual stats, his sales pages, his funnel... even where he makes mistakes... this is a goldmine, and worth a LOT more than Sean's charging..."

These are the kinds of insider secrets you rarely get to see... at least not without paying big bucks...

...and you get to see it all in real time -- which products sell, which flop... which upsell offers win... which ones don't...

...and, especially, you'll get to see the messiness, the mistakes... what happens when things don't go as planned... and how to recover...

Just follow along with Sean, and you'll be able to build your OWN successful WSO business... just like many marketers before you...

But you'll want to hurry... Sean's already talking about bumping the price from his "pocket change" pricing...

Get this now while the price is still low...



Mike Lantz
Deal of the Day -- September 22, 2015

copyright 2015 Warrior+Plus

2505 Anthem Village Dr, STE E-618, Henderson, Nevada 89052, United States

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Follow & Copy His 60K in 30 Days Challenge...