[Zamurai Affiliates] Closing In On 5000 Sales, Big Close + Contest Winners

Hey Zamurai Affiliates,

We're now 5 days into our phenomenal launch, which
means theres only 2 days left to hit out for the BIG close...
...which by the way is where most of the commissions are made. 

The launch will end Sunday, 20th September @ 11.59 PM EDT. 

The price will be doubling to it's actual retail value, which is $97 
for the lite version and $127 for the pro version. 

Whatever you've made on the first 2 days of the launch, you 
can easily make in one day with the close, thats how effective it 
is when you play big on the scarcity of the 50% discount going
away forever. 

So use this to your advantage and push EVERYONE over the edge. 
Add bonuses, do whatever you have to do but use this GREAT scarcity 
to your advantage in your mails. 

When you stick with this till the end, you're looking to double
your commissions with this one for sure. 

So even for those that haven't promoted yet, it's the perfect time 
to cash in big with a quick weekend promo! 

To add to the level of urgency, we have added an extra intro part
to the VSL which mentions about the price doubling as soon as
the countdown timer hits zero. 

Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN2d5W700QA 

If you need ideas for your close swipe, i've prepared one, go here: 

With that being said, lets get onto the much anticipated 
prize winners for yesterdays daily cash contest.

1) Peter Garety ($300 won)
2) Mike & Brett ($150 won)
3) Jimmy & Zak ($50 won) 

We're still running our daily $500 cash contest until
the launch ends, it's anyones for the taking. 

There has been some big leaderboard shake ups the 
past 24 hours, this has been really incredible to watch. 

Here's the current main leaderboard standings: 

1) Peter Garety - Wow... you jumped right to the top. Whatever
your doing is clearly working. ($8000)
2) Brett Rutecky and Mike From Maine - Excellent effort guys, with
a strong close, first place is achievable. ($4000)
3) Chris Record - You're just a few sales from 2nd, i've seen
you take first place from this position in the past, i know
you got it in you. ($2000)
4) Jimmy Kim & Zak Meftah - You guys have rocked this
promo all the way through, you're literally 4 sales behind Chris. ($1000)
5) Sam Bakker - Slipped up, but great effort, i know you've
got a solid close planned. ($500)
6) Bill McIntosh - Now i know your not going to settle for this place. ($250)
7) Peter Beattie - Awesome work, with a strong close, you
can easily get in top 4. ($125)
8) John Zakaria - Mr consistent, love your conversions. ($100)
9) Neil Napier - Good work, i'm sure you can finish better with
a strong close ($75)
10) Chad Nicely - Climbed up a lot, good stuff. ($50)

Let's make it rain everyone! 

The last 36 hours is where it happens at this price-point. 

So this is not something you want to miss out on.

Speak soon,

- Mo Miah, John Gibb & Joshua Zamora

Zamurai Mastermind Group, 10441 SW 100TH CT, MIAMI, FL 33186, USA

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[Zamurai Affiliates] Closing In On 5000 Sales, Big Close + Contest Winners