[Zamurai Affiliates] Closing In on 6 Figures (plus leaderboard update)


Hey Zamurai Affilaites,

WOW.. It's been one HELLUVA day. 

Even with the major issue we had during

the start of the launch (first 3 hours), where
almost everyone was not able to buy… we're
still on track to push through $100k+ tonight.

Had we not had this issue in the first place, we

would have probably been at $150k+ gross already.

Rest assured, everything has been working smooth

now, sales are pouring in like crazy and

conversions are almost doubling rapidly. 

Our affiliates are converting like crazy with FE

conversions from 28% to as high as 48%!!! 

Plus our affiliates have already secured over

$28,000 in recurring sales!!! 

The most important thing is to re-mail your lists

to pick up all those potential sales who wanted to

buy… this will ensure you get the best out of this


If you need a swipe to model off for the re-mail,

use this: 


If you haven't yet jumped on board, you can do so

here: http://videovibepro.com/jv

Here's what the leaderboard is looking like so


1) Sam Bakker - Came out strong but holding on 

by a thread! 

2) Brett Rutecky and Mike From Maine - You guys

are so close! Amazing start with 28% conversions. 

3) Peter Garety - You're on Brett, Mike and Sam's

shadow! One more mail can put you in first and

half a mail gets you 2nd. 

4) Peter Beattie - you are neck and neck with PG

and right on the other guygs trail as well. 

5) Chris Record - Only a couple Benji's away

from Beattie. 

6) Neil Napier - I know you got more gas 

in that tank! 

7) Bill McIntosh - I know you guys are on 

the way up with another mailing already queued! 

8) Richard Fairbain and Paul O'Keeffe - The guys

above are within 1 mails reach! 

9) Abbas Ravji - I know you got a lot of gas

left in that tank 

10) Stephen Gilbert - Not your typical position

Papa bear! Congrats on the new baby

Remember, our special launch discount is ending

soon and the price will rise shortly, please be sure 

you push that scarcity onto your list. 

It's safe to say that this launch is still

crushing it and converting like wildfire.

So if you haven't mailed yet... time to get


If you have mailed already - keep doing what

you're doing!

Keep it comin' :)

- Mo Miah, John Gibb & Joshua Zamora

Zamurai Mastermind Group, 10441 SW 100TH CT, MIAMI, FL 33186, USA

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[Zamurai Affiliates] Closing In on 6 Figures (plus leaderboard update)