Dian, Social Titan - NEW JVZoo launch - 11 Days away!



I have a big JV announcement today...

After 15,000+ sales of our T-Shirt & Video Titan series...

We're proud to announce the new launch of ...Social Titan!

Social Titan launches on JVZoo in 11 days' time -- Monday, October 19th.

For your affiliate links, swipes & to win $5,000 of JV cash prizes, signup here:

==> Social Titan JV Page - Full Info & Demo <==


Why Promote Social Titan?

The Software - New software to find recent engaged BUYERS on Twitter (ultra targeted social traffic!)

Track record - T-Shirt & Video Titan series sold 15,000+ units on JVZoo & we got 100+ testimonials.

Extreme EPCs - All Titan offers converted at 10-15% on launch week. Expect more of the same here

$5,000 JV Prizes - Main leaderboard contest -- plus multiple cash contests through the week

Twitter + Social + Traffic - everyone needs traffic, social is hot ...and Twitter is brand new.

Click here for all the full info on the JV page (be sure to watch the video).


What Is Social Titan?

Everyone needs traffic & the easiest way to get it, is to buy it with ads.

We should know: we've spent over $1 million on Google & Facebook Ads...

But when we looked at those platforms, we felt something was missing.

And, with Social Titan we've found it... by using the power of Twitter Ads. Because get this:

The software extracts RECENT BUYERS from Twitter to target the BEST traffic possible!

Now, Twitter is brand new (ie hot and exciting), and the software has a fresh new angle.

Add to that the fact that everyone needs traffic - and this launch has mass appeal.

It's perfect for affiliates with a Facebook, Social, TeeSpring or Twitter list...

But also, if you have a general Internet Marketing list, you will want to promote too

After all, everyone needs traffic, especially when its 100% recent buyer traffic!

Check out the demo in this video - about 3 minutes in - to see how it works...

And be sure to sign up to the JV page so we can keep you updated:

==> Social Titan JV Page


Chris & Ken
TITAN Series


memeplex ltd
pal mall court, 61-67 king street
manchester lancs m2 4pd

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Dian, Social Titan - NEW JVZoo launch - 11 Days away!