Dipayuda, Drew Laughlin & Pat Flanagan JV request, Yanik, Eben, Adam & Bobby ...

Dipayuda, welcome to the JVNP 2.0 Update featuring a JV request courtesy of fellow JVNotifyPro Partners Drew Laughlin + Pat Flanagan (Marketing Consultant PLR Firesale launch JVZoo affiliate program JV invite), Buzz Builders (Yanik Silver - Evolved Enterprise Book Launch, Eben Pagan - Digital Product Blueprint Program launches, Adam Short + Robert Mclees - Niche Profit Full Control pre-launch) and More ... in Today's partner up with Drew and earn bucu bucks in affiliate commission edition.

- Mike Merz Sr

The JVNP 2.0 Update is published 2 to 3 times a week as a complimentary service to our fellow JVNotifyPro/JVNewsWatch partners. Read The Newsletter Online ... http://v3.jvnotifypro.com/community_forums/threads/8820-Drew-Laughlin-Pat-Flanagan-Marketing-Consultant-PLR-Firesale-Launch-JV-More

Drew Laughlin + Pat Flanagan - Marketing Consultant PLR Firesale Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Thursday, October 29th 2015
Launch Day: Friday, October 30th 2015

Hi, Dipayuda,

You can make 100% commissions and up to $115+ per buyer during the Marketing Consultant PLR Firesale from Drew Laughlin & Pat Flanagan, launching Friday, October 30 at 11am EST.

Get Your Promo Link, Swipes & More Right Now.

What Is It?

Drew and Pat have teamed up to bring your buyers a huge deal on Drew's entire library of high quality PLR products.

Here's what they get:

VAP contains over 150 video and written articles on various marketing topics. These articles are a perfect compliment for your site and helps you build quality content fast. 8 months of downloads, each with articles, audios, powerpoints, videos.

Lead-Gen Site Profits is a membership site that holds over 50 pre-made L.G.S. Packages. And all of them come with PLR and Developers rights! Consultants sell or rent these pre-made, “Done-For-You” lead-gen site packages to their clients. Every PLR packages comes with lead-gen website, video(s), report, autoresponder emails, graphics and more. Over 50 of the hottest local niches! All pre-made and ready to go, be up and running in a matter of minutes!

UPSELL 1 ($80)

UPSELL 2 ($77-92, going up $5 per day)
Drew teaches how to get the valuable clients who will pay top dollar for all the products and services contained within the front end and upsell collections in this firesale. This is an essential add-on for the smart buyer!

What Are The Important Details & Dates You Need To Know?


October 30th @ 11am EST -- Launch Opens For Affiliates
October 31st @ 12:01am EST – FE price Increases to $22, US2 increases to $82
November 1st @ 12:01am EST – FE price Increases to $27, US2 increases to $87
November 2nd @ 12:01am EST – FE price Increases to $32, US2 increases to $92
November 2nd @ Midnight – Launch ends

Front End

$17-$32, Price rises $5 per day
100% commission paid instantly to you

What Is It?

2 PLR Products, $1294 value

OTO 1 – Drew's PLR Library

$80, 50% commission paid instantly to you

What Is It?

11 PLR products, $2100+ value

OTO 2 – Drew's Client Getting Training

$77-$92, Price rises $5 per day
50% commission paid instantly to you

What Is It?

Video training course on how to get high-paying clientele who will purchase/lease leads and other products/services generated by the PLR products in the frontend and upsell.

If you need anything, contact affiliate manager Pat Flanagan (Skype address on JV page) and he'll be happy to help you!

Visit The JV Page For All The Launch Details.

Drew Laughlin & Pat Flanagan

(To access the merchant's JV page, a link to the forum archive of the mailing for discussion, VIP review access (when available) + more ... Click the link in the JV letter above (no log in necessary to access the JV page). Problem? Reply to this email with any questions or concerns.)


Buzz Builders

The following Buzz Builders are Premium mailing recipient JV offers made by JVNP 2.0 VIP Partners announced recently in the JVNP 2.0 Update that are either yet to launch, or are still in the pre-launch or launch cycle.

To access the merchant's JV page, a link to the forum archive of the mailing for discussion, VIP review access (when available) + more ... please click the JV Invite/Page link in the Buzz Builder listings, below.

Problem? Reply to this email with any questions or concerns.


Yanik Silver - Evolved Enterprise Book Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Launched Just YESTERDAY Monday, October 26th 2015
Long Awaited Launch From An Internet Marketing Legend!

Your Invitation to Yanik Silver’s Evolved Enterprise Book Launch. Win An Exclusive 'Trip Of Lifetime' To Necker Island With Sir Richard Branson, $5000+ in unique prizes, Lifetime Commissions & More. Yanik Silver - Evolved Enterprise Book Launch JV page.


Eben Pagan - Digital Product Blueprint Program Affiliate Program JV Invite
Launch Day Is TODAY Tuesday, October 27th 2015

Join us starting Oct 16th for the launch of our brand-new course! The Digital Product Blueprint Program will take all of Eben's best knowledge about how to find your niche, create your digital information product, build out your marketing and funnels & launch your new business. There will be solid commissions and HUGE prizes! For more information about dates, prizes, etc. go here ... Eben Pagan - Digital Product Blueprint Program JV page.


Annie Leedom - Just Press Grow Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Launch Day: Postponed ...Please Register For Details.

$599.70 Per Sale To You! Six A-list placements! Just Press Grow brings experts to editors & producers who are desperate for content. Unique Never-before-seen product. Brand new $1999 product – 30% commission. Pre-launch starts October 20. Launch day is Tuesday October 27th. This is a done-for-you launch. Learn more here => Annie Leedom - Just Press Grow JV page.


Adam Short + Robert Mclees - Niche Profit Full Control Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins TOMORROW Wednesday, October 28th 2015
Launch Day: Tuesday, November 3rd 2015

Niche Profit Full Control teaches students step-by- step how to start and grow a million dollar online business. Includes a powerful software suite and o ur most in-depth training ever. Over $100,000 in prizes and $5 million paid to affiliates to date. This promises to be our biggest launch yet! Adam Short + Robert Mclees - Niche Profit Full Control JV page.


Matthew Neer - $5K Formula System Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Launch Day: Monday, November 2nd 2015

Join Matthew Neer & the launch of the $5K Formula exclusively on Warrior+Plus. We have an extremely deep and robust funnel that pays out up to $350 in INSTANT affiliate commissions. You can expect EPCs to be around $2.00-3.00 per click for targeted traffic. Subscribe to the JV list (link below) for cash prizes and leaderboard updates. Matthew Neer - $5K Formula System JV page.


John Assaraf - NeuroGym - 4th Annual Live Brain-a-thon Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Pre-Launch Already Underway!
Launch Day: Saturday, November 7th 2015

NeuroGym’s 4th Annual Live Brain-a-thon is happening on November 7th. John Assaraf, 2x NYT best-selling author, is a master at converting your clicks into huge earnings. Top partners averaging $9.13 per optin. Launch window 10/25 – 11/7. $63,000 up for grabs. Visit the JV page for complete launch details and affiliate registration ... John Assaraf - NeuroGym - 4th Annual Live Brain-a-thon JV page.


Emilis Strimaitis, Brad Spencer + Pat Flanagan - funnelKit GO Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Thursday, November 5th 2015
Launch Day: Friday, November 13th 2015 @ 11AM EST

90% commission funnel, earn up to $199+ per buyer with funnelKit GO! Your buyers turn their vision to reality with the latest release of this easy no-tech pagebuilder WordPress plugin! Pre-launch Nov 5, launch Nov 13. Daily cash prizes, win $100 by watching our JV video. Emilis Strimaitis, Brad Spencer + Pat Flanagan - funnelKit GO JV page.


John Reel - Tracker.ly Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Thursday, November 5th 2015
Launch Day: Tuesday, November 17th 2015

As GoTryTHIS, it was voted best marketing product. Now Tracker.ly, it’s a million dollar link tracking, conversion boosting, and brand building platform, with every type of marketing link side-by-side for all your sites. Commissions up to $150/month/client. Stick rate of nine+ years. 10% of sales go to affiliate prizes! John Reel - Tracker.ly JV page.


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The new product launch and evergreen affiliate program JV offers advertised on JVNP 2.0 and the JVNW Calendar are meant for experienced Affiliate Marketers.

If you have little to no affiliate marketing experience, we feel it would be most beneficial for you to complete the following JVNP 2.0 recommended Free Affiliate Marketing Training.


That's All, Folks!

To OUR Success,

Mike Merz Sr
JVNotifyPro Joint Ventures

AWeber/JVListPro Archives - RSS



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JVNP 2.0 Updates are mailed no more than 3 times a week, usually on Tuesday, Thursday + occasionally on Saturday.

The JV Offers announced in this newsletter are paid advertisements. The opinions expressed are those of the Merchant, not JVNotifyPro. Participate at your own risk.

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Dipayuda, Drew Laughlin & Pat Flanagan JV request, Yanik, Eben, Adam & Bobby ...