Haunted by Bad Credit? Fight back today in 3 steps.


3 Fearless Ways to Rebuild Credit

While no one can exorcise your financial demons, there are 3 ways to help rebuild credit in peace. Check them out below:

Face Your Fears

While it may sound scary, the first step to rebuild your credit is to assess how bad your credit score is. You're legally entitled to 1 free report every 12 months from each of the following major reporting companies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, so take advantage today. Dig into your credit report to exhume any mistakes and dispute them with the debt collectors that are haunting you. Credit card companies are legally required to investigate the items in question within 30 days of your formal dispute letter, so collect copies of documents that support your position in the meantime.

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Fight Back

Federal law protects you from collection harassment, so knowing your rights is the ultimate weapon to have peace of mind when rebuilding your credit. Want a silver bullet to help fend off debt collectors? If you've already disputed debt and collectors won't stop haunting you, send a "cease contact letter" to help clear the air . You'll be glad you have room to breathe while you rebuild your credit.

Expel Old Debt

Unlike vampires, bad credit isn't immortal. Credit reports usually stop showing debt that's 7 to 10 years old, so the older the debt, the less impact it has on your score. However, outdated delinquencies may still haunt your credit report. Time to rid them for good. Rather than email your credit bureau, write your removal request via snail mail with a return receipt attached to prove your letter is received by an actual human.  

Do credit card companies say "I see debt people." when they look at you? Help rebuild your credit with these tips and check out how a new card may help below.

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Haunted by Bad Credit? Fight back today in 3 steps.