Choose Pepsi or Coke - Confirm Your $100 Gift Offer

Pepsi vs. Coke
A $100 Gift Certificate Offer is Available*


Founded 1838

Home: New Bern, N.C.

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"Pepsi Generation"

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Founded 1886

Home: Atlanta, GA

Life Begins Here

"Classic Lovers"

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 *Paid Participation is required

*Neither Pepsico or Coca-Cola endorse or sponsors this promotion

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Your Extra Corner:
Sometimes we give our subscribers a little extra and this is where it happens. Today's extra offer is a Tide sample pack. Let Tide take care of your next load of laundry and check HERE. To be sure you understand how to get this offer you have to follow the link and complete all of the steps before you are able to claim it.
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Choose Pepsi or Coke - Confirm Your $100 Gift Offer