Hey Guys,
I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far...weather-wise our luck just ran out as the rain is currently teaming out of the heavens! It's also getting colder as well so wet + cold is not a good combination lol!
We all know the health & wellness market is just huge...it's a true evergreen, Billion dollar market and one of the biggest niches in it, in need of quality information is the Digestive Health niche...aka Healthy Gut!
The Digestive Health Industry is massive business, with an estimated 70 million people afflicted with digestive problems in the US alone, all desperately searching for ways & products to alleviate their pain and physical inconvenience.
It's so big with so many rabid buyers that it's a goldmine for us niche marketers and practically waiting for you to take a small slice and profit like crazy. Billions of dollars are spent by sufferers on solutions every year!
In fact, a close friend of mine suffers from this disease so it is personal to me as I see how much he researches and spends on treatments to make his life more comfortable.
This is shown by huge search volumes for healthy digestion related keywords with over 500,000 people a month searching for answers to their digestive health.
Well this brand new, hot of the press, quality Niche spotlight pack from Rick Warid targets this exact issue & it comes with PLR!
==> Quality DFY Crohn's Disease PLR Pack!
This Niche Spotlight on Crohn's Disease is a huge offer of DFY research & premium content by an experienced insider within the health and fitness market aimed at providing you with all the necessary tools & content to ensure niche domination.
Rick has been producing quality, health and wellness niche PLR content for us marketers since 2010 and his latest release is no different. There is a big need for this information and normal everyday people have proven they will spend money on their pursuit of a healthy gut.
Here's a breakdown of what's included:
- Niche Spotlight Report - Crohn's Disease
- Expertly Crafted Keyword Report
- Brand New PLR Articles
- 1000 Word Clickbank & Amazon Product Reviews
- Set Of 15 Eye Catching Promotional Banners For Each Product Review
- HD Animated Promo Video For Each Product Review
- Crohn's Disease Infographic "5 Steps To A Crohn's Free Life"
- 5 Part Email Course "An Idiot-Proof Guide To Crohn's Disease"
- 10 Tweets
- 10 Social Media Updates
- Extra Bonuses
This offer has a multitude of components and is jam packed with value at an incredibly low introductory price!
==> Check Out This Quality DFY Crohn's Disease PLR Pack!
To add to this amazing niche pack I am including the following bonus that my team just completed this morning...yes it's fresh and quality! This bonus along with Rick's amazing content package gives you that massive, unfair advantage to ensure success:
4000x Health & Wellness PLR Articles
1000x Healthy Food PLR Articles
70x IBS PLR Articles
52x Week Health/Fitness Email Series
50x Health/Fitness Twitter Tweets
35x Health/Fitness FB Posts
25x Crohn's Disease Amazon Product Review Videos
25x Crohn's Disease Amazon Product Review Articles
12x Gluten Free Diet PLR Articles
12x Week Health Email Series (Incl. Extras)
10x Crohn's Disease FB Image/Text Posts
10x Health & Fitness Clickbank Product Reviews
10x Crohn's Disease Inspirational Graphics
10x Crohn's Disease License Free Graphics
9x Paleo Diet PLR Videos
9x Paleo Diet PLR PDFs
6x Crohn's Disease Banner Graphics
5x Part IBS Email Series
4x Niche Relevant PLR Ebooks
3x Crohn's FB Timeline Graphics
3x Crohn's YT Channel Graphics
3x Crohn's Wordpress Header Graphics
3x Crohn's Wordpress Footer Graphics
1x Crohn's Detailed Keyword Data
1x Crohn's Detailed Domain Availability
1x Health Listbuilding Pack
1x Healthy Eating Site Builder
1x Health Blog
1x Managing Diverticular Disease Mp3
*** Plus 1x DFY Pre-Stocked Crohn's Disease Amazon Superstore ***
(complete with free installation!)
==> http://jvz2.com/c/7927/190543
Everything in the above bonus is stored in your download portal over at JVZoo...under Mike's Special Bonus. If, for some reason it is not there simply drop me a quick email and I will get it right out to you!
Anything else you require please get in touch.
To your Massive success,
P.S. This is on a dimesale so please make sure you check it out asap to ensure you get the best price :)
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