Dipayuda, welcome to the JVNP 2.0 Update featuring a JV request courtesy of fellow JVNotifyPro Partner Samantha Millers (Autoimmune Paleo Diet Cookbook launch ClickBank affiliate program JV invite), Buzz Builders (Jimmy Kim - Build My List 2.0 launch) and More ... in Today's benefit from increasing AIP diet popularity edition. - Mike Merz Sr ----- The JVNP 2.0 Update is published 2 to 3 times a week as a complimentary service to our fellow JVNotifyPro/JVNewsWatch partners. Read The Newsletter Online ... http://v3.jvnotifypro.com/community_forums/threads/8851-Samantha-Millers-Autoimmune-Paleo-Diet-Cookbook-Launch-Affiliate-Program-JV-More ----- Samantha Millers – Autoimmune Paleo Diet Cookbook Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite Launch Day: Monday, November 30th 2015 Dipayuda, Autoimmune Disease … is a major health problem. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates up to 23.5 million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease and that the prevalence is rising. Researchers have identified so far 80-100 different autoimmune diseases and suspect at least 40 additional diseases of having an autoimmune basis. These diseases are chronic and can be life-threatening. Commonly used immunosuppressant treatments have not been effective and have led to devastating long-term side effects and high medical bills. Introducing Autoimmune Paleo Diet Protocol. Short On Time? Find Out How To Gain Access To Your Promo Tools & More Here The Autoimmune Protocol is a diet that helps heal the immune system and gut mucosa. The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet is geared to work to reduce inflammation in the intestines. Many elimination diets are not complete enough and often do not remove immune triggers that promote inflammation in the gut. AIP works to calm inflammation in the gut and also calm inflammation in the body. And while autoimmune disease can never be cured, it can be put into remission. But, there’s a problem ... AIP is notoriously hard to implement as it typically involves a 6- 8 weeks of what is called an “elimination diet phase” where you will need to strip certain food elements from your diet and then thereafter a “reintroduction phase” where you can slowly reintroduce certain food back. These must be done right as any mistakes could lead you back to square one in your quest to heal your autoimmune disease. In addition, it is also very difficult to create healthy and yet mouth-watering AIP food and meal plans as there are strict restriction imposed by the diet. That’s where Autoimmune Paleo Diet Cookbook : 70+ Easy to Prepare, Mouth Watering and Healthy Autoimmune Paleo Diet Protocol Recipes Exposed! Handbook comes into play. In the 139 page handbook, we will reveal: - 5 Steps How To Easily Implement AIP diet in your life without all its associated problems. - Understand what is the elimination phase and what food you must avoid and what you can continue to consume. - What is the reintroduction phase and 3 sure fire way to successfully ease yourself back to nutritious food without the side effects. - Key terms your must know about AIP so that you can prepare well in advance for the diet. And most importantly… - 70 + Top Autoimmune paleo diet recipes in 18 categories you can use immediately to prepare delicious and fast AIP compliant food. So if you’re the kind of person who believes… that your people deserve the best assistance with their health, we have a great offer for you, not only is it proven, not only will it make it a lot of money… They will love you more if they take the action & decide to work with me, because you recommended us. On that note, I want to thank you for your interest in becoming a partner. Visit The JV Page For VIP JV Registration & More Now We're looking forward to working with you. Samantha Millers' Autoimmune Paleo Diet Cookbook Team (To access the merchant’s JV page, a link to the forum archive of the mailing for discussion, VIP review access (when available) + more … Click the link in the JV letter above (no log in necessary to access the JV page). Problem? Reply to this email with any questions or concerns.) ---------- Buzz Builders The following Buzz Builders are Premium mailing recipient JV offers made by JVNP 2.0 VIP Partners announced recently in the JVNP 2.0 Update that are either yet to launch, or are still in the pre-launch or launch cycle. To access the merchant's JV page, a link to the forum archive of the mailing for discussion, VIP review access (when available) + more ... please click the JV Invite/Page link in the Buzz Builder listings, below. Problem? Reply to this email with any questions or concerns. ----- Adam Short + Robert Mclees - Niche Profit Full Control Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite Launched Just Last Tuesday, November 3rd 2015 Grab Your Share Of High Ticket Affiliate Commissions! Niche Profit Full Control teaches students step-by- step how to start and grow a million dollar online business. Includes a powerful software suite and o ur most in-depth training ever. Over $100,000 in prizes and $5 million paid to affiliates to date. This promises to be our biggest launch yet! Adam Short + Robert Mclees - Niche Profit Full Control JV page. ----- Minesh Bhindi - Gold And Silver For Life High Ticket Affiliate Program JV Invite Evergreen Affiliate Program Announced: Thursday, November 5th 2015 Take Advantage Of Increasing Interest In Buying Gold & Silver! $1,200 CPA (Zero Clawbacks). + 92% Of Clients Making AT-MINIMUM Our Advertised Results. Evergreen Webinar & 1 Year Follow Up. You Get Paid, Forever. New Resource. Every Quarter. Proactive Partner Referrals. Special Request? Try Us. Minesh Bhindi - Gold And Silver For Life JV page. ----- John Assaraf - NeuroGym - 4th Annual Live Brain-a-thon Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite Launched Just This Past Saturday, November 7th 2015 Partners Are Enjoying EPCs Of $3 To $5 & EPOs Of $8 To $12! NeuroGym’s 4th Annual Live Brain-a-thon is happening on November 7th. John Assaraf, 2x NYT best-selling author, is a master at converting your clicks into huge earnings. Top partners averaging $9.13 per optin. Launch window 10/25 – 11/7. $63,000 up for grabs. Visit the JV page for complete launch details and affiliate registration ... John Assaraf - NeuroGym - 4th Annual Live Brain-a-thon JV page. ----- Jimmy Kim - Build My List 2.0 Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite Pre-Launch Commenced Sunday, November 8th 2015 Launch Day Is TOMORROW Wednesday, November 11th 2015 @ 9AM EST Come join us on Nov 11th for the most exciting launch on JVZOO! Instant Commissions and $55,000 in cash prizes.. including TWO brand new cars! With real proven success stories and training, come discover why you need to promote this launch! Jimmy Kim - Build My List 2.0 JV page. ----- Emilis Strimaitis, Brad Spencer + Pat Flanagan - funnelKit GO Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite Pre-Launch Commenced Thursday, November 5th 2015 Launch Day: Friday, November 13th 2015 @ 11AM EST 90% commission funnel, earn up to $199+ per buyer with funnelKit GO! Your buyers turn their vision to reality with the latest release of this easy no-tech pagebuilder WordPress plugin! Pre-launch Nov 5, launch Nov 13. Daily cash prizes, win $100 by watching our JV video. Emilis Strimaitis, Brad Spencer + Pat Flanagan - funnelKit GO JV page. ----- John Reel - Tracker.ly Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite Launch Temporarily Postponed ... Please Register For Updates As GoTryTHIS, it was voted best marketing product. Now Tracker.ly, it’s a million dollar link tracking, conversion boosting, and brand building platform, with every type of marketing link side-by-side for all your sites. Commissions up to $150/month/client. Stick rate of nine+ years. 10% of sales go to affiliate prizes! John Reel - Tracker.ly JV page. ----- Nicola Delic - Elliot Wave DNA Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite Pre-Launch Begins: Monday, November 16th 2015 Launch Day: Monday, November 23rd 2015 Elliot Wave DNA. Massive proof – never before seen product. Brand new $997 physical product – 30% commission. Pre-launch starts November 16th Launch day is November 23rd. This is a done for you launch. Learn more here - Nicola Delic - Elliot Wave DNA JV page. ----- Steve H + Mike Z - The Cash Pro Robot V2.0 Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite Launch Day: Monday, November 23rd 2015 500 USD CPA (2x 250 USD) No Refunds No Reserves! V1.0 Made over 7 Figures and was the Sleeper Hit of 2015. V2.0 Relaunch is going to Easily top this. Insane EPCS Guaranteed! Steve H + Mike Z - The Cash Pro Robot V2.0 JV page. ----- Need Help? Account Management Center Support Helpdesk JVNP 2.0 Social Network Groups/Communities Facebook JVNP 2.0 Group Google+ JVNP 2.0 Community JVNP 2.0 New Affiliate Program Launch Announcements JVNP 2.0 Premium VIP JV Announcement Forum Archives JVNewsWatch JV Product Launch Calendar Popular Evergreen Mid To High Ticket Webinar Based Promotion Affiliate Program JV Invites* Damien Zamora (GoMobile Solutions) - PPC Profits Formula JV Invite Richard Legg & Nathan Mackenzie Brown - $100K Apprentice JV Invite Sara Young - Income Steps Academy JV Invite * Experienced, Proven Successful Affiliate Marketers, Only, Please! ----- IMPORTANT! The new product launch and evergreen affiliate program JV offers advertised on JVNP 2.0 and the JVNW Calendar are meant for experienced Affiliate Marketers. If you have little to no affiliate marketing experience, we feel it would be most beneficial for you to complete the following JVNP 2.0 recommended Free Affiliate Marketing Training. ---------- That's All, Folks! To OUR Success, Mike Merz Sr JVNotifyPro Joint Ventures AWeber/JVListPro Archives - RSS ---------- Legal As stated during the registration process, you are receiving the JVNP 2.0 Update Newsletter as a perk for being an active JVNP 2.0 Partner. JVNP 2.0 Updates are mailed no more than 3 times a week, usually on Tuesday, Thursday + occasionally on Saturday. The JV Offers announced in this newsletter are paid advertisements. The opinions expressed are those of the Merchant, not JVNotifyPro. Participate at your own risk. Powered By JVListPro/AWeber Email Marketing Software |
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