From generating leads, to making presentations... Kim's materials give you the shortcut to more leads, sales and profits...
When you pick Kim's package up, you get:
- 7 new offline consultant PowerPoint presentations to help you educate offline and impress offline prospects...(check out snapshot on Kim's salespage to see the exceptional quality, as well as everything they cover)...
- 7 presentation checklists...
- 3 "done for you" Lead Gen Email templates...
- A Brand New High-Quality Digital Marketing Report...
- Eye-catching Digital Marketing Infographic...
- Captivating Digital Marketing Lead Gen Video... (you can see a sample on her page)...
- The Lead Gen Video In "Video Sales Letter" Style...
...and a super HOT bonus, her "Overcoming Objections" Cheat Sheet...
Kim always offers HUGE value in her packages, and are ALWAYS very popular with offline marketers because they simply WORK... (you can see how well they've worked for Kim on her salespage)... and they just keep getting better...
Grab this and start pulling in offline clients easier, faster, and more powerfully than ever...
Mike Lantz
Deal of the Day -- December 3, 2015
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