The campaigns are finished ...
The votes are tallied ...
And after looking everything over, we are excited and pleased to announce the WarriorPlus 2015 Vendor of the Year...
Luther Landro!
A retired NYC firefighter, Luther puts out knock-out products for marketers who specialize in offline and SEO...
A member of WarriorPlus since 2011, he currently has 19 products available, nearly all sold by his valuable "mini" webinars... We've been pleased to award many of these products, and many have top ratings from customers. No wonder he is in the top 1% of our vendors...
Check out some of his products below and see whether some of these best-sellers might be exactly what you need (or pick up a few free tips from his "mini" webinars)...
For just 72 HOURS, we've convinced Luther to offer a 15% DISCOUNT on ALL of his products. The discount applies to NEW purchases only.
You can ONLY get the discount by clicking on the links below and the links in Luther's profile on WarriorPlus.
(Note: the 15% gets applied on the checkout page AFTER you click the buy button)...
Check out some of his top selling offers here:
Congratulations, Luther!
Best wishes,
Mike Lantz & the WarriorPlus Team
P.S. Check out his profile page here and get a 15% DISCOUNT on ANY/ALL of his products… |
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