Oz da Don VS Sean Mize - Battle of the Vendors...

Did you cast your vote yet for the 2015 Vendor of the Year?

We'll be crowning the winner in just a few days...

Each day, we've been highlighting two of the top 10 finalists.

Which one of these 2 vendors would YOU vote for?

Check out their profiles below and then click on the "Vote Now" button at the bottom of the page...
Oz Da Don:

While his WarriorPlus name is "sms" (which well-preceded the abbreviation for text messaging), most folks know this vendor as "Oz", or "Oz da Don"... (the "Don" stands for "dominate online niches"...)...

Originally from Nigeria, Oz worked for years in the financial industry in London... and now uses his smarts to discover remarkable strategies for traffic generation, content syndication and more. A man with his own disarming style, he seems to have an unusual fascination with naming his products starting with "Ant"... you can see some of his "Antification" products at this link:
Sean Mize:

Want to see how to maximize your brand? Sean is one of the few of our candidates to fully complete his WarriorPlus profile page (see the link below), a great tactic to model...

A member since 2011, he believes anyone can achieve the success they desire by setting an attainable goal and then laser focus on implementation. Starting from scratch, this prolific product creator leveraged his 1st month's income of $125 to over $13k/month using a unique strategy as a lead source...

Check out Sean Mize's profile here...

Come show your support for these hard working vendors...

- Mike Lantz
Founder, WarriorPlus

P.S. WARNING: There are only a few days left to vote...

Click here to VOTE NOW...

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Oz da Don VS Sean Mize - Battle of the Vendors...