Annual Update of your Site info on Anoox network is due

Annual Update of your Site information on AnooX network is due

This email is about your Web site of:

It is time for the Annual update of your Site Meta information on Anoox social networking based
search engine. So please take a moment to make sure that your Site and Business info on Anoox are
current and accurate. Please keep in mind that Anoox is a social networking based search engine
to connect YOU with new clients & opportunities based on the content of your Site and how active
and liked member of this Social network YOU are.

Also, we are now offering you new ways for connecting with new clients & opportunities, they are:

1- You can now provide your business Phone number so that potential clients can find you this way
2- You can specify to be notified when someone is looking to Buy what you are offering
3- You can specify to be notified when someone posts a Question you can Answer for a Fee or Free

To Update your Site Meta info along with your business interest and GEO data please go here:

If this Web site is no longer active, please go here to De-list it:

Want to know more about Anoox and why being an active member of this social networking based
search engine is good for your Small business success? Then Go here:

Anoox is Advertising Supported

Want to increase your Site Traffic & Sales for much LOWER cost of Advertising compared to Google
and BIG Wall Street Media? Then you want to Buy Advertising on Anoox not-profit-driven network.
A network by Small Businesses for Small Businesses.

To buy Advertising on Anoox and SAVE BIG on increasing your Site Traffic please go here:

Open your Advertising account today and get 20% off any package using code: BoostMySite2016


Best Regards,
From Staff of Anoox

Anoox is a not-profit-driven organization dedicated to People and Small businesses on
Main Street. Clients and Information Democracy, not profits & share prices on Wall Street, come
first for us. We are driven by core principals that:
"For a better World SAVE Billions for Main Street rather than be a Billionaire on Wall Street"

If you share in our core principals and want to Partner with us, go here:

If you would like to end your Anoox free services, and receive no further messages go here:

© Anoox 2004 - 2016 : All Rights Reserved


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Annual Update of your Site info on Anoox network is due