Dian, Don't forget to Mail!


Hi Dian

Right, we're ready to go here. Are you ready?

If not, lemme get you up to speed.

In less than 2 hours we open the cart for this brand new WP plugin called "Azon Commission King."

This is the first of its kind.

And it's ready for you to hit. If you have an MMO, Affiliate Marketing, Internet Marketing, Ad Sense or an Amazon (of course) list...

This this will also be a real HIT

Email Swipes - http://azoncommissionking.com/jv/promo-tools/

Sales letter preview - http://azoncommissionking.com/salespage/

Request Affiliate Link - https://warriorplus.com/aff-offer/o/xb8bg5


If you need to see the product, to film a quick review or video or simply want to test it out, hit myself or Gareth up right away. We'll be waiting for your message.

You'll be seeing EPCs on the front alone way above $2.50 with commissions at 100% for the first wave.

I hope we can both ride that wave together.

Because as a valued JV partner, we're going nowhere. And we will be with you to ride your launches as well.

So with all that said. Good luck, and the next time we speak we'll have a leaderboard contest on our hands... but don't forget to mail early!

Who will win this?

Veit & Gareth

P.S. Don't forget the speed prizes. If you can make 25, 50 or 100 ACK sales first, then you'll be in the run for a prize.

We'll also announce more randomly throughout the week. 


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Müllheim Baden-Württemberg 79379

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Dian, Don't forget to Mail!