Dian, T-Shirt Titan - Testing & Updates [JVs]


T-Shirt Titan goes live in EXACTLY 7 days on JVZoo & ClickBank!

I'll have updates in the next day or two - affiliate tools & email swipes...

Details about our launch week CASH contest...

Plus the MANY split-tests we will be running :)

Speaking of split-tests, we ran more test traffic, last week...

You might remember how our first test saw 24% conversions!

Screenshot ==> http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=KqJ92&m=3j2foiuDQJgLbUQ&b=sPRlch7SD3caAP89h0XgUQ

Now in fairness, that was to a JVZoo buyer list (but still awesome!)

So this week we wanted to test the traffic on COLDER lists...

Because, if it converted to those, all bets are off when we go live in 7 days!

We were testing on BOTH ClickBank and JVZoo (we're dual-launching after all)

And frankly, we got some AWESOME results and oodles of data :)


Firstly, the JVZoo traffic converted at between 9.6% AND 12.93%

Screenshot ==> http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=KqJ92&m=3j2foiuDQJgLbUQ&b=gyZPZGCWOsSmA0TdDG8.rw

That's awesome - ESPECIALLY given that this was NOT targeted traffic (and
definitely NOT a JVZoo "facebook" or "TeeSpring" buyer's list which I expect
will convert at 20-30% ..but that isn't what this "cold" test was about)


Secondly, the ClickBank traffic (very cold) converted at between 1.92% and 5.9%

Screenshot ==> http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=KqJ92&m=3j2foiuDQJgLbUQ&b=gyZPZGCWOsSmA0TdDG8.rw

REMEMBER: This was the ultimate test - with COLD traffic.

This was NOT "JVZoo launch/buyers", let alone a "social/facebook" or
"TeeSpring" list.

(if you have a "TeeSpring" or "Facebook" list, this data is frankly
irrelevant - this will just convert like nuts anyway, so if that's you,
don't worry too much about these tests - your conversions are boxed in!)

## 20.93% - VERY INTERESTING ##

The other thing that we saw was that the conversions went NUTS as we got
closer and closer to the "close".

That's what explains the 1.92% vs 5.9% difference for the CB test
(different headline, one focused on scarcity, one not).

And that's explain why the JVZoo ended at 20.93%!

Screenshot ==> http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=KqJ92&m=3j2foiuDQJgLbUQ&b=mq3n7JO8Vk3UPdPc_8zsJA

This is why we've taken the decision to increase the price TWICE during
the launch period, to ensure the threat of the price increase is always
there in black and white.. tick tock tick tock...

AND we will be removing bonuses throughout the week at regular points.

Basically scarcity will be MAXED out for this one.

The page will basically be a mix of demos, countdown timers and proof
(just kidding but yeah we have 6 bonuses, 4 software tools, 8 hours of
videos, and a kitchen sink to remove daily - aside from the price increase).

Every day that the buyers don't take action they will be penalised for
their foolhardiness! Given what we've put into the product, it's only right...


Oh, one more thing, we got INSANE testimonials from the test buyers.

This means two things:

1) Our buyers are VERY happy campers, as expected (check out the demo on
the JV page of the 4 softwares! This package is easily a $1k+ product)

2) Adding these to the pitch will make the conversions spike even more
(30-40% conversions, anyone?)

So the product and pitch are both looking super strong :)

OK, I'll have more updates in the next 48 hours.

Rest assured we have a LOT planned in the next 7 days to MAX your
conversions during launch week.

We already have a good number of JVs signed up including a couple I
think may be lining up to win the cash contest with 30% conversions :)

Remember, T-Shirt Titan goes live on November 18th on JVZoo & ClickBank.

I can't way to show you what we have lined up :)




P.S. If you want demo access, or a preview of the sales letter, hit
reply and I'll send both over right away.

Everyone who has requested demo access has wrote back
saying "this is awesome! I'm in!!"

And I know some people have committed anyway, off the strength of the
demo video on the JV page, but I'd just LOVE for you to see in the
flesh what we have lined up for your buyers in 7 days' time :)

So don't be a stranger!


memeplex ltd
pal mall court, 61-67 king street
manchester lancs m2 4pd

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Dian, T-Shirt Titan - Testing & Updates [JVs]