Dian, Titan Hits 1,000 Sales - $1,000 JV Cash Contest (ONLY 12 HOURS Left! )


24 hours in, and we just hit 1,000 sales!

And to celebrate, today we're running a 24-hour $1,000 CASH contest!

This will run for today only - Wednesday (ending at 12AM Eastern, in
12 hours time)!

And it's SUPER TIGHT right now - anyone can take it...

18 sales split 10 JVs from $500 in Instant Paypal CASH!!

Here's how it looks right now (if things stay like this in 12
hours' time)...

1st prize = $500 (Andrew & Chris Fox have the lead by JUST 9 sales!)
2nd prize = $200 (Aravindh & Ben - only 5 sales ahead of the #3 spot)
3rd prize = $150 (3 way tie! Ali G, Jeremy & Simon and Sean from Product
4th prize = $100 (2 way tie! Ryan and Emma Powell, Colleen Slater -
only 1 sale behind!)
5th prize = $50 (3 way tie! Ezra Wyckoff, Winai Ruankham & Keith
Dougherty - 1 sale behind)

Remember, this $1,000 JV CASH contest only runs for 24-hours - TODAY
only - and it ends in just 12 hours...

One blast is almost guaranteed to lock in your Paypal cash tomorrow!

So grab your swipe and blast now:

===> http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=KqJ92&m=3hJ9c07WNZgLbUQ&b=BsGIdFRaIw_m94Lk0IBLbQ

Plus, we ALSO have the main $2,000 cash contest...

I'll have the main leaderboard update on that real soon.

But that is ALSO real tight - with only a few sales separating the
top JVs!

That's another reason to hit hard today - win $500 today, then lock in
the $1,000 main prize too!!

So, blasting today could make you $1,500 - on top of your 70%
instant Paypal commissions!!

Plus, let's not forget about the main reason to jump on TITAN now...


We're still converting at 13% now across ALL traffic...

Check out this screenshot Andrew Fox sent me last night:

===> http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=KqJ92&m=3hJ9c07WNZgLbUQ&b=SJWbroLpMphZwxpiGifkEw

(he sent me late last night - he's done more Instant Commission since ;) )

And here's how our JVZoo stats are showing up - 17.99% across
the board ;)

===> http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=KqJ92&m=3hJ9c07WNZgLbUQ&b=gU3o2HZremroCCJMK3H6Vg

Now check out the front-end conversions of our top 10 affiliates
(all earning 70% Instant Paypal commissions)..

#1: 41.88%
#2: 18.24%
#3: 15.87%
#4: 37.01%
#5: 32.17%
#6: 12.12%
#7: 15.09%
#8: 40.54%
#9: 10.48%
#10: 9.89%

This thing is just converting like mad!

And you only have 12 hours left to grab $500 in Paypal CASH!

Take the $500 cash prize today and lock in the main leaderboard too!

So grab your swipe and blast NOW:

==> http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=KqJ92&m=3hJ9c07WNZgLbUQ&b=BsGIdFRaIw_m94Lk0IBLbQ





memeplex ltd
pal mall court, 61-67 king street
manchester lancs m2 4pd

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Dian, Titan Hits 1,000 Sales - $1,000 JV Cash Contest (ONLY 12 HOURS Left! )