Will Google's Inbox Service Make Gmail Obsolete?

Will Google's Inbox Service Make Gmail Obsolete?
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Will Google’s Inbox Service Make
Gmail Obsolete?

A SPN Exclusive Article by Tina Courtney-Brown (c) 2014

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Google is a corporation that loves transformation, the constant dynamic energy of change and innovation. As a company, it has, in part, thrived and become a technology powerhouse because it is not afraid to completely reinvent any or all of its products, always aiming for improvements and for the creation of the next best thing. Whether or not Google’s legions of fans embrace all this change and transformation is another story, however, and they have learned the hard way to often ease into major change with popular products.

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Enter one of Google’s most successful offerings to date: The mighty Gmail. In a way, Gmail is a problem for Google because of its immense popularity and loyalty. Any changes made to Gmail over the years have often been receíved with tremendous outcry and protest. (Remember when those Social and Promotional tabs first appeared?

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Will Google's Inbox Service Make Gmail Obsolete?