Hot! Healthy & Fit Evergreen PLR [BONUS]

Hot! Healthy & Fit Evergreen PLR [BONUS] Web Version

Hey Guys,

Spring is here! People are stepping into the sunshine in anticipation of warmer, sunnier days.  Time to trim the landscaping around the house and plant the garden.  Apartment dwellers are looking for ideas for gardening in small areas.

If you are an Amazon or Clickbank affiliate you know this is the best time to promote gardening and landscaping products.  Those of you already in this niche can use this product to generate new income from affiliate promotions and selling short reports.

This all new release provides you with a new angle to leverage:  gardening and fitness.

"The Fit Gardener is loaded with reports, articles, and graphics designed to set you apart from the competition by introducing the idea of gardening as a way to stay slim and fit.  This is a perfect time of year to leverage the excitement and anticipation of planting, kneeling, bending, straining, stretching and getting a tremendous workout in the garden.

Tap into the always evergreen healthy living market.

This is on a dimesale, so click here to get in early…

==>  Fit Gardener PLR Pack

You can sense there is plenty of opportunity to attract people in multiple niches such as lower cholesterol and blood pressure, whole food and gluten free diets and cooking. The sales page lists over 30 other related niches. You can check out the details below, but move quickly on this one as it is on a dimesale.

Here's what's included:

Income PLR Collection

"The Fit Gardener" eBook, 5,500+ Words, 20+ page ebook (illustration too) you can monetize with affiliate links or sell
2D & 3D eCovers
HTML mini-site, thank you, download pages
Complete product sales funnel
Affiliate Product Rolodex

Authority Content Collection

10 Premium niche articles including Amazon product reviews
3 Page Book Review Amazon Best Seller
Sales Teaser Presentation

List Building Content Collection

"Ready – Set – Dig!" short report for list building (illustrated)
Complete squeeze funnel, opt-in, thank you, download pages
Niche research report with leading blogs, products, forums, videos

Relationship Building Collection

21 Done-4-You Autoresponder messages
21 Gardening posters (original cartoon graphics)

==>  Fit Gardener PLR Pack

As for my bonus today...well it's totally niche relevant, large and full of quality just like I know, you like :)

Your bonus is sitting along with your purchase over at JVZoo...should it not be there just hit me up and I'll get it right over to you.

1375x Gardening PLR Articles
597x  Landscaping PLR Articles
50x   Amazon Gardening Product Review Articles
50x   Amazon Gardening Product Review Videos
6x    Gardening Banner Graphics
3x    Gardening PLR Ebooks
3x    Garden Sub-Niche KW Data
3x    Garden Sub-Niche EMD Data
1x    Organic Gardening Software
1x    Garden Top Soil Blog
1x    Amazon Gardening Super Store

The price increases with every sale...and it's on a 5-day sale only!


As always anything you need just hit me up...I'm here literally 24-7 :)

To Your Massive Success,

P.S. The list building module alone should cost more than this entire product. Don't miss this opportunity to build a list of fans in a hurry to stay healthy and happy.

==>  Fit Gardener PLR Pack

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Hot! Healthy & Fit Evergreen PLR [BONUS]