Your Pepsi vs. Coke Survey - Gift Card Reward Offer

Pepsi vs. Coke
$100 Gift Card Offer Available*



Founded 1838

Home: New Bern, N.C.

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"Pepsi Generation"

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Smiley face


Founded 1886

Home: Atlanta, GA

Life Begins Here

"Classic Lovers"

 Vote for Coke


 *Paid Participation is required

* Neither Pepsico nor Coca-Cola endorse or sponsors this promotion

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Access your account for new offers, sweepstakes, raffles, and samples today. Take a look at your account updates before todays benefits expire. If you still need to complete your registration to your account you can do so by following this link. Just so you know after completing your registration you will get immediate access to a five dollar bonus.
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Your Pepsi vs. Coke Survey - Gift Card Reward Offer