Hey Zamurai Affiliates,
Scale Social is still doing extremely
Right now is the best time to get another
mailing out and get those evening sales.
We've also had several affiliates tell us
that Get Response has been acting up today
and either not inboxing or not loading at
So if you're on GR, they should have already
addressed the issues.
Make sure you get another mail out!
Let's get to the much anticipated leaderboard
that many of you have been asking for:
1. Mark Helton and Todd Spears - You guys
said you would win and so far you're keeping
your word. 80% OTO 1 conversions, REALLY????
But the lead is VERY small.
2. Brett Rutecky and Mike From Maine -
Mark and Todd are only a handful of sales
ahead of you! You're SOO close!
3. John Pearce - You are knocking at the guys
above heels! Keep pushing and you can easily hit
#1! But John and Mo are closely behind too!
4. John Gibb and Mo Miah - 20% FE conversions
with NO BONUS??? but Wait.. Am I seeing
this correctly? The Terminators in the 4th
position? I know you guys got big plans for
the next few days!
5. Joey Xoto - Pull out some of the Viddyoze heat
and you can storm to #1 ;) Great conversions!
6. Justin Sardi - The Video Ads man himself!
Get some campaigns going on this one :)
7. Andy Black - Even with the Get response issues,
you finally managed to queue up and land #7!
Keep pushing and you can easily move up.
8. Brad Stephens - started off a bit slow but
your conversions have nearly tripled since the
start! Seeing 14% now!
9. Han Fan - My brotha from anotha motha! Always
great to see you on here.
10. Todd Gross - I know you've got WAYYYY more
steam in the tank :) A few more mailings from
you and you can shoot way up.
Those just outside the top 10:
Holly Cooper, Michael Formby, Tony Hayes,
Youhana Zakaria, Stephen Gilbert, Mark Dulisse,
Anthony Aires, Emma and Gee and many more..
One thing to remember is NO ONE has taken
a significant lead as of yet.
It's all still neck-n-neck and anyones game!
Get those emails queued up and capture those
evening sales and take a decent lead.
Joshua Zamora and RyMac
P.S. In my previous JV update I said we were
closing on Sunday at 11 AM EST.
This was a HUGE typo. We're actually closing
Sunday at MIDNIGHT EST! My mistake.
P.S.S We've also got something HUGE planned
for closing day.
We'll be running a QnA session with current
customers where we'll be addressing questions,
but also pushing the OTO 2, which is priced
at $147/6months.
You can be rest assured we'll be busting our
ass to get you more sales all the way till
the end :)
For now, keep those emails going.
P.S.S. S. Below are some important links if
you should need them
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