[Zamurai Affiliates] just under 20% conversions and $10 EPC!

Hey Zamurai Affiliates, 

Thanks again for the amazing support
so far! 

Profit Renegade is still converting 
extremely well. 

- We're rounding the corner on 700 sales 
- Over $30k gross 
- Still holding a strong 18% conversion 
- $8.95 EPC 
- Affiliates are still getting monster 
conversions as you can see here

And that's just after day 1 :) 

Today is the perfect day to get another 
email out and get those fence sitters 

Here's the swipe I'll be sending out today. 

You can also use swipe #5 or #6 on the 
jv page. (if you have a video list, check out
the #3 and #4 swipe

And now lets jump into the first "Flying Solo"
leaderboard in a long time. No teams on this one :) 

1. Sam Bakker - Who else than the man himself? 
You're a machine! But be careful, it's close! 

2. Ben Murray - Your conversions are crushing it! 
And you're only about $150 behind Sam! 

3. Mike From Maine - Let's take the ladies 
out shopping haha! You're only $400 from 1st! 

4. Rohan Chaudhari - Your conversions have 
been crushing man! One more mail and you 
can easily take first! 

5. Chris Hitman Inc - The guy can not only
party, but he can bring some heat! I know you 
have plans to keep smashing this! 

6. Ray Lane - The local video man himself! 
Check out his November 11th launch! 

7. Matt Bush - Jumped in late and shot 
straight to #7! One more push and you can 
easily move up a few spots. 

8. Anwesh Rath - Load up that new angle
and keep pushing :) 

9. Peter Roszak - The record setter himself! 
One more mailing from you and you can destroy 
this haha 

10. Gene Pimentel - Appreciate the support! 

One mail will move you way up! 

Just outside the top 10: 

Tracey Meagher, Robert Stukes, Paul Inglis, 
Rusu Marian, Craig Crawford

The top 5 and bottom 5 are all VERY tight. 
One mail from anyone on the board today 
will easily move you up. 

Queue them up! :) 

If you need anything feel free to reach out. 

Joshua Zamora, Steve Haase, Rick Hilton 

Zamurai Mastermind Group, 10441 SW 100TH CT, MIAMI, FL 33186, USA

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[Zamurai Affiliates] just under 20% conversions and $10 EPC!