Free 1k Consult Today

Better look at this...
My super wife...
See the image above?

That's how much today's guest makes an hour when doing email marketing consulting.

It get's even better...

The marketer who paid today's guest for an hour of his time was referred by... John Carlton (one of the best copywriters in the world).

Typically, it goes like this:

"Hey, John.

I need some help with my email marketing.

Have any recommendations for someone I can hire to consult for an hour or two?"

Carlton replies:

"Anything about email, I'm calling [Today's Guest]."

I don't know about you, but I'm impressed!

However, I've taken care of his fees for you today.

Now, all you have to do is ask him your biggest question/s on email marketing.

He'll be answering your questions based on over 18 years of proven results, not guesswork.

We'll be starting soon, so hurry.

Get free access to today's hangout by clicking the link below.

Click here to access your free 1k email marketing consult...

If you can't make it live, the replay will be automatically sent to you by clicking the link above.

Remember, I'm giving away a special $200 prize to someone live on the hangout.

Talk soon,

My super wife...
Mike Lantz, Founder

How can my team and I help you today?

Questions about a deal of the day?


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However, I'd advise against it.

Doing so means you'll miss out on all the amazing deals and content coming you're way...


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