☛ The Plugin That Finally Lets You Control Wordpress...

Ever thought that it would be cool to be able to rebrand the dull and dreary Wordpress dashboard with your own company colours and logo?

Essentially, turning Wordpress into your own branded software platform!

Click here to find out more!

This is perfect for anyone who works with clients…

Think about it. Instead of your clients logging in and seeing the Wordpress login page, and Wordpress branding all over the dashboard - they will see your company.

Not only that, but you can even choose what your clients see…

Don't want them to know what plugin or theme you're using? Hide it from them…

Want to include links to your other products and services on the Wordpress admin bar?

Now you can…

Imagine having control over what your clients see when they login to update their site.

Not only does it make your business look larger and more professional (I mean.. you have your own software platform) - but it stops your clients from even knowing you have used Wordpress to build their site - and potentially finding the theme.

This is a no brainer if you're using Wordpress right now…

Click here to grab it now!




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☛ The Plugin That Finally Lets You Control Wordpress...