| ACTIVATING BUILDBOX Activating Buildbox is simple. First you will need to download the Buildbox trial, then enter your license key. Here’s how you do it: 1. Download Buildbox here: Buildbox Windows | Buildbox MAC 2. Install Buildbox and enter the following license key when asked: 8bc3e475-c395-4f59-a1e3-015c1856a630 3. That’s it! Now Buildbox is ready for trial use TUTORIALS AND MORE Make sure to check out our Tutorial Section where you'll find individual videos for every core Buildbox feature and our Guides Section with many documents including the Buildbox Manual. We’re excited to help you create our first game. Activate your copy of Buildbox now and let’s get started. 8Cell Inc. 555 Bryant St. #472 Palo Alto, California 94301 United States | _________________________________________________________ | | |

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