[JV] Dian, NEW JVZoo #1 - 1k Units In 12 Hours - "Social" Launch



Have you seen this NEW red-hot JVZoo Launch?

It's currently #1 on JVZoo, with 1,000 units after 12 hours...

JV PAGE ==> SociBoom - Social Software, JVZoo Launch

It's by my friends, Mo Latif and Brett Ingram...

And it's just gone live on JVZoo - a few hours ago..

What Is SociBoom?

SociBoom is a new software that automatically turns visitors into buyers, using the power of Twitter. 

Why Get On Board This Launch? 

Firstly, combined, they have over 15 years of experience and their history consists of MULTIPLE #1 successes on Clickbank & JVZoo...

9 Clickbank & 6 JVZoo (inc. POTDs). 

They know how to deliver *conversions* and provided exceptional products and services each time.

Now, this only went live yesterday - but it's already JVZoo number 1 with 1,000 sales across the funnel.

I'll be jumping on this later today and I suggest you check out the JV page for full details

I'm already in so I'll see you on the leaderboard


Chris & Ken
TITAN series

memeplex ltd
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[JV] Dian, NEW JVZoo #1 - 1k Units In 12 Hours - "Social" Launch