Dian, Latif & Brett Launch - $7 EPCs and 2,000 units



Have you jumped on SociBoom yet?

It's now passed 2,000 units with F/E conversions as high as 25%.

In fact, it's already on course to be one of our top 3 promos this year.

We're seeing EPCs of just over $7 - and that's without a bonus.

So click below to get started if you have a free slot this week..

JV PAGE ==> SociBoom - Social Software, JVZoo Launch

The launch closes Sunday and there are $5,000 in JV prizes up for grabs...

As I say, it's converting real strong, the product is superb - plus...

Mo and Brett both reciprocate strong (and were top 3 in my last launch).

So be sure to check this out if you have a free slot this week.


Chris & Ken
TITAN series

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manchester lancs m2 4pd

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Dian, Latif & Brett Launch - $7 EPCs and 2,000 units