[JVNP] New webinar promo JV request from T Harv Eker, more ...

Dipayuda, welcome to the JVNP 2.0 Update featuring a JV request courtesy of fellow JVNP 2.0 Partner T Harv Eker (The 500 Million Dollar Secret Webinar evergreen affiliate program JV invite), Buzz Builders and More ... in Today's half billion reasons to promote edition.

- Mike Merz Sr

The JVNP 2.0 Update is published 2 to 3 times a week as a complimentary service to our fellow JVNotifyPro/JVNewsWatch partners. Read The Newsletter Online ... http://v3.jvnotifypro.com/community_forums/threads/10332-T-Harv-Eker-The-500-Million-Dollar-Secret-Webinar-Affiliate-Program-JV-Invite-More

T Harv Eker - The 500 Million Dollar Secret Webinar Affiliate Program JV Invite
Evergreen Affiliate Program Announced: Thursday, August 4th 2016

The 500 Million Dollar Secret Is Here!
Dipayuda, our 3rd evergreen program is ready and available for promotion.
It's called The 500 Million Dollar Secret and it's a 75-minute free webinar hosted by T. Harv Eker.
On this webinar Harv reveals his biggest secret that took him from broke to millionaire, and then millionaire to multi, multi, multi millionaire bringing in over $500 million in revenue himself.
Your audience is going to LOVE this high energy, content-rich and action packed web class.

After the student completes the webinar, they are offered The Wealthy Marketer for $249 (50% off what we normally sell it for).

Short on time? Jump right over to the affiliate registration page.

When they enroll in The Wealthy Marketer, they'll learn how to:

- Define their message to attract the best buyers.

- Determine their target markets and discover lucrative specialty markets.

- Write magnetic copy for their ads, sales letters, emails, website copy, and even brochures if they use them.

- Add upsells, downsells, and cross-sells to instantly increase their profits and bottom line.

- Bundle their services or programs and how to structure their backend offers so they are maximizing your revenue.

- Create an irresistible tagline and unique selling proposition or hook to give their market clarity on what they do and why they're the one to help them.

- Articulate their heart story so they can emotionally connect with their market and make them fall in love with them.

- Create irresistible offers to make sales effortless while building extreme goodwill with their customers.

- Develop the ultimate sales funnel to create real wealth and financial success.

- Spend the same amount of money yet massively increase profits.

- Set up joint ventures and endorsed mailers to get 10X the exposure and 10X the sales.

- Use a continuity program to build a baseline with recurring income for their business.

- Setup the simplest but the most effective referral program.

- Create a frequent buyer incentive program that keeps their customers coming back again and again and again.

And much, MUCH more...

The commission earned on The Wealthy Marketer is 50%.

The special price will only be applicable during launch periods or 1 week if promoting the evergreen funnel.
All links, swipes and banners are now available in the affiliate center to start promoting immediately.
Click here to gain access.

We're looking forward to working with you!

The Harv Eker International Team

(To access the merchant’s JV page, a link to the forum archive of the mailing for discussion, VIP review access (when available) + more … Click the link in the JV letter above (no log in necessary to access the JV page). Important: The JV offers made available in this newsletter are not for the inexperienced +/or simply curious to participate in. Only experienced, serious affiliate marketers with the proven ability to generate quality leads and convert and retain sales, only … Please! Problem? Reply to this email with any questions or concerns.)


Buzz Builders

The following Buzz Builders are Premium mailing recipient JV offers made by JVNP 2.0 VIP Partners announced recently in the JVNP 2.0 Update that are either yet to launch, or are still in the pre-launch or launch cycle.

To access the merchant's JV page, a link to the forum archive of the mailing for discussion, VIP review access (when available) + more ... please click the JV Invite/Page link in the Buzz Builder listings, below.

Problem? Reply to this email with any questions or concerns.


Mark Ling - Learn Build Earn Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Monday, August 15th 2016
Launch Day: Sunday, August 21st 2016
High Ticket Product = Big Affiliate Commissions!

Mark Ling is joining forces with Anik Singal's Lurn team to give away over $100K worth of prizes, $1,248 in commissions per sale, a sales funnel that has been tested and converts like gangbusters and provide awesome free content for your list. They're responsible for over $150 MILLION in online sales between them. Don’t miss this one -> Mark Ling - Learn Build Earn JV page.


Karthik Ramani + Chad Nicely - MemberHub Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Launch Day: Wednesday, August 24th 2016 @ 11AM EST

The World’s Greatest Membership Platform Is Coming ... Are You Ready For A Five Figure Promotion? Memberhub is the most powerful membership platform. With focus on: Themes. Monetization. Gamification. 2+ years in development. 150+ beta testers for the last 8 months. $20,000+ in No Minimums prizes. Proven funnel that gets massive conversions. Karthik Ramani + Chad Nicely - MemberHub JV page.


Girithara Prakash, Vas Blagodarskiy + Dale Taylor - 1ClickWP Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Launch Day: Monday, September 12th 2016 @ 7AM EST

Installing WordPress, backing it up regularly & cloning/migrating WordPress sites is hard. This one web app makes it super easy (and all it takes is 1 click). Learn more -> Girithara Prakash, Vas Blagodarskiy + Dale Taylor - 1ClickWP JV page.


Brian P Moran, Todd Brown + Tom Beal - 12 Week Mastery Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Pre-Launch Video Series Begins: Wednesday, September 7th 2016
Launch Day (Cart Opens): Wednesday, September 14th 2016
High Ticket Product = Big Affiliate Commissions!

Earn $998 per sale while your list thanks you for learning how they can get more done in 12 weeks than others do in 12 months. This will be the HIGHEST commissions earned for many in 2016. Become a 12WM Launch Partner Now => Brian P Moran, Todd Brown + Tom Beal - 12 Week Mastery JV page.


Minesh Bhindi - Gold And Silver For Life 2016 Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Launch Day: Tuesday, September 27th 2016
High Ticket Product = Big Affiliate Commissions!

LAUNCH: 27th September to 14th October 2016 with a $6.65 Average EPC on RAW Clicks and a 63% Opt In Rate plus £1,000 CPA also Proven In 3 Niches! Visit the JV Page for all the launch details -> Minesh Bhindi - Gold And Silver For Life 2016 JV page.


Eben Pagan - Digital Product Blueprint 2016 Launch Affiliate Program JV Invite
Pre-Launch Begins: Thursday, September 15th 2016
Launch Day: Tuesday, September 27th 2016
High Ticket Product = Big Affiliate Commissions!

We're releasing the updated 2016 version of our flagship product Digital Product Blueprint, which enjoyed EPC to the sales video alone of over $20 and a refund rate below 10% during last year's maiden launch, from September 15 - 29th, 2016 and we'd love to have you on board! Earn 40% of $1997 per sale affiliate commission + JV Contest Prizes, More. Eben Pagan - Digital Product Blueprint 2016 JV page.


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JVNewsWatch JV Product Launch Calendar

Popular Evergreen Mid To High Ticket Webinar Based Promotion Affiliate Program JV Invites*
Adam Short + Robert Mclees – Niche Profit Full Control Evergreen JV Invite

Damien Zamora (GoMobile Solutions) - PPC Profits Formula JV Invite

John Assaraf – NeuroGym – Cloning of Business Success Course JV Invite

Michael Baptiste - High Ticket Freedom Mission 2016 JV Invite

Richard Legg & Nathan Mackenzie Brown - $100K Apprentice JV Invite

Roy Carter - IM Income Builders Club JV Invite

Saj P - Max Conversion Formula JV Invite

Sara Young – Income Steps Academy JV Invite

* Experienced, Proven Successful Affiliate Marketers, Only, Please!


The new product launch and evergreen affiliate program JV offers advertised on JVNP 2.0 and the JVNW Calendar are meant for experienced Affiliate Marketers.

If you have little to no affiliate marketing experience, we feel it would be most beneficial for you to complete the following JVNP 2.0 recommended Free Affiliate Marketing Training.


That's All, Folks!

To OUR Success,

Mike Merz Sr
JVNotifyPro Joint Ventures

AWeber/JVListPro Archives - RSS



As stated during the registration process, you are receiving the JVNP 2.0 Update Newsletter as a perk for being an active JVNP 2.0 Partner.

JVNP 2.0 Updates are mailed no more than 3 times a week, usually on Tuesday, Thursday + occasionally on Saturday.

The JV Offers announced in this newsletter are paid advertisements. The opinions expressed are those of the Merchant, not JVNotifyPro. Participate at your own risk.

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Internet Marketing For Newbies LLC, 110. Fairfield ave., Fords, NJ 08863, USA

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[JVNP] New webinar promo JV request from T Harv Eker, more ...