Content Samurai Webinar #5 Recording


Hey Dian,

Thanks to everyone who made it along to our latest webinar!

We had an amazing time hanging out with you guys, answering your questions, and previewing some future features with our special guest Dr. Anthony

Incase you couldn't make it, we've uploaded a recording of the webinar AND included some handy links to all of the resources mentioned in the webinar.

You can view the webinar video by clicking the play button below...

We'd love to hear your thoughts, so please leave any suggestions or comments below the video here!


Tom & Wayne

P.S. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions for future webinars too :-)

P.P.S Don't forget to leave any comments you have below the webinar recording here

PO Box 477, Blackburn

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Content Samurai Webinar #5 Recording