[Zamurai Affiliates] Profit Renegade - 9 days left

Hey Zamurai Affiliates, 

The official launch of Profit Renegade is 
just 9 days away :) 

We're going live on September 28th, which
is the same weekend a lot of us will be 
hanging out in Vegas, so be sure to queue
them up before you get too drunk haha 

If not, I will be hounding you down in person
with my laptop and some swipes for you to
send out lol 

Steve Hasse and I will both be there so we
look forward to hanging out with you and allowing
Profit Renegade to pay for your drinks :) 

Review access is just about ready, our amazing
dev, Rick Hilton, is just such a perfectionist 
he wants to make sure everything is 100% before
it goes out. 

This is one of the reasons why this software 
has been around since 2012 and has more testimonials
than any other software I've ever seen. 

The sales page preview is also just about 
done, we just have to slap the demo video 
and some software screenshots to it and
we're good to go. 

So for now, just mark Profit Renegade on 
your calendar from September 28th through 
October 2nd. 

We plan to put a lot of cash in your pocket. 

If you haven't yet seen it, the jv page is here. 

And if you'd like to get a sneak peak of the 
software, we've put up a screenshot on there
for now. 

This thing is looking extremely sexy :) 

If you need anything at all, please feel 
free to reach out to me or Steve Hasse. 

Joshua Zamora, Steve Hasse and Rick Hilton 

Zamurai Mastermind Group, 10441 SW 100TH CT, MIAMI, FL 33186, USA

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[Zamurai Affiliates] Profit Renegade - 9 days left